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Vision and values


At Samares School, children are at the heart of everything we do. ​We celebrate inclusivity to ensure that children feel valued, respected and supported and feel safe.  We are relentless in supporting and safeguarding all children. We strive for the highest quality teaching and learning to produce the best outcomes for all children.

We work with parents to develop highly meaningful engagement and communication to make a positive difference to their family. The school has an active and joint responsibility within the wider community in putting children first.

We are committed to developing a high performing staff team, who strive for excellence, are creative and think outside the box. Our curriculum is designed to promote oracy, emotional regulation and positive mental health – equipping children with the skills and understanding to develop as responsible global citizens. We aim to enrich our curriculum with memorable experiences and opportunities to raise aspirations and broaden horizons. 

Our School Values and mental health and wellbeing  are at the core of our approach. At Samares School, every voice is heard and every voice is valued.

"Children are the number one focus at Samares School and everything that is put into place is to support their education. Having a child with additional needs, I cannot fault the support from the team… my child is able to achieve in his own way". Parent feedback, Jersey Schools Review Framework, 2024.

Samares School Values

Our school has at its heart the values of determination; collaboration; engagement and respect, which are embedded in all areas of school life.

We actively seek ways to teach and promote our Core Values in all areas of the school to ensure that our values are at the centre of what we do. Staff use consistent language and our Positive Behaviour Policy to reinforce high expectations of all of our pupils; positively recognising the efforts and achievements of all pupils.

We believe that our Core Values underpin what makes for a successful and happy school and are committed to working together with the wider school community to ensure all pupils can thrive and fulfil their potential. 

  • Badge for Respect


    "Be kind to everyone because everyone deserves kindness"

  • Badge for Collaboration


    "Work together: co-operate and communicate"

  • Badge for Determination


    "Try hard and keep trying even when you make mistakes"

  • Badge for Engagement


    "Love learning and take part"

Rewards and Recognition

We aim to develop children's intrinsic motivation to make positive choices and follow our school values and rules. 

We use a variety of structures to support this in school through recognising and rewarding positive behaviours and learning traits. 

  • Badge for Positive Praise

    Positive Praise

    We strive to develop children's intrinsic motivation and use verbal praise to acknowledge and celebrate children's efforts and positive choices.

  • Badge for Values Gems

    Values Gems

    A gem is given to a child who demonstrates a core value. Diamonds of Determination, Crystal of Collaboration, Ruby of Respect, Emerald of Engagement.
    This gem goes into a class jar, which when full, is celebrated in assembly.

  • Badge for Well Done Postcards

    Well Done Postcards

    A postcard is sent home to recognise a child's outstanding effort or achievement - this is signed by the Headteacher and posted home for the child to receive.

  • Badge for Values Awards

    Values Awards

    Each term, a child from EYFS, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 is awarded one of our Values Awards. A child from each class is also chosen to receive a progress award and an achievement award.

"Highly effective policies and practice at Samarès lead to pupils making phenomenal progress in their personal development. This contributes to the behaviour of most pupils in lessons and at playtimes, being exemplary. Pupils are respectful and courteous. They learn how to keep themselves safe and how to be ready to learn."

Pupils take pride in their school, their work and in their appearance. They are keen to learn, such as learning to read challenging texts and expanding their vocabulary. They learn to express their opinions confidently and to listen to others, to disagree respectfully. In discussions with pupils from across the school, they expressed an impressive understanding of the importance of their education and the skills they learn for future life in both school and employment"

Jersey Schools Review Framework, 2024

School Rules

At Samares School, we have three School Rules which support children in all situations. We proactively teach these behaviours to children and ensure that everyone understands how to follow these rules in all situations. We have a focus rule for each half term, which we learn more about in assembly and spend time in classes understanding how to follow this rule successfully. 

"The behaviour, personal development, and welfare of most pupils is exemplary. The school provides a safe and inviting environment in which pupils learn and play happily."  Jersey Schools Review Framework, 2024

  • Badge for Be Respectful

    Be Respectful

    Showing respect and kindness to each other, ourselves, our school, and the wider environment.

  • Badge for Be Safe

    Be Safe

    Keeping ourselves and others safe in all situations. We learn about keeping ourselves safe in a variety of situations and settings. We also learn about the importance of self regulation and how to manage our emotions effectively.

  • Badge for Be Ready

    Be Ready

    This rule is about demonstrating effective and appropriate learning behaviours. Ensuring we approach all elements of school life with a positive 'can do' attitude, committed to following the expectations set out and making positive choices to ensure we are ready to learn and to maximise the opportunities we are presented with.

Parental Involvement

A strong teacher-parent partnership boosts children’s happiness and well-being at school, motivation, and outcomes. 

Examples of how parents can help are: 

Talk About School

As a Voice21 Centre of Excellence, we highly value talk. Have meaningful conversations with your child about their school day. Discuss what activities they enjoyed, what they learned and what they found challenging. You can use our weekly Samares Gets Talking task to help you structure these conversations

Celebrate Achievements

Acknowledge and praise your child’s successes to boost their confidence.

Provide a Supportive Environment

Create a conducive space for studying and showing interest in your child’s academic pursuits. Engage with extra curricular, summer schools, reading, home learning

Encourage Self-Reflection

Help your child set goals, reflect on progress, and celebrate growth.

Model Lifelong Learning

Demonstrate to your child a love for learning and resilience in facing challenges.

Promote Responsibility

Teach your child study skills, time management, and independence in learning.

Engage in Learning Activities

Explore educational outings and hands-on experiences with your child together.

Communicate with Teachers

Stay involved with your child’s education and collaborate with teachers to support your child’s progress.

Common Questions

How are school values integrated into daily activities and curriculum?

School values are embedded into the curriculum, classroom routines, and behaviour expectations to cultivate a positive learning environment. Staff model and reinforce these values through lessons, discussions, and activities.

How do I find out what my child is learning in school?

Each half term we send a curriculum newsletter home outlining all the content your child will be learning that half term. We also hold class drop in sessions where parents can come into school and see their child's learning. Our school website has lots of information under the 'Curriculum' heading. Follow us on Facebook too, where we post photos and information about recent events in school. 

Attend our termly Parent Consultations - a chance to meet with your child's teacher to discuss their progress and learning. 

Who do I speak to if I have a concern or want to communicate with school?

In the first instance, please speak with your child's class teacher. Staff can be contacted by email, or see them at the start or end of the school day. Members of the Senior Leadership team are on the gate each day, and are always available to speak to if you have any worries or concerns. Our school website has contact details and a form to raise a concern. Our Safeguarding team can also be contacted via email or through the school office. Please do come and speak with us - you can arrange an appointment through

How do I get involved with school?

The school has a newly formed PTA (Parent Teacher Association) called the Friends of Samares. You can find out more about their work on our website. 

We also have a Parent Discussion Group who meet each half term to discuss a range of strategic school development issues. Please contact Mr Lumley if you would like to be involved. 

Volunteer! We are always on the look out for an extra pair of hands in our busy school! If you would like to find out more, please get in touch. 


If you would like to make an appointment to meet with a member of staff, please contact 

Alternatively, please speak with your child's class teacher or a member of the Senior Leadership Team who are available at the start and end of each school day.