Jersey Premium
Jersey Premium is a targeted funding programme designed to support schools in raising the attainment of identified pupils. At Samares School we believe that every pupil deserves the best start in life and the additional funding we receive from Jersey Premium is used to ensure that all children achieve the best from their education.
At Samares School we believe that every pupil deserves the best start in life and we are committed to addressing educational disadvantage through a culture of high aspirations, expectations and determination to put the needs of our children and families at the heart of what we do.
Our curriculum is designed to promote oracy, emotional regulation and positive mental health – equipping children with the skills and understanding to develop as responsible global citizens. We aim to enrich our curriculum with memorable experiences and opportunities to raise aspirations and broaden horizons. Our balanced curriculum focuses on the skills, knowledge and understanding of the requirements of the Jersey Curriculum and aims for pupils to achieve excellent progress and outcomes.
We have a strong ethos of inclusion and have a committed and compassionate approach towards engaging and supporting our children and parents. We have a collective understanding of the impact of disadvantage on pupils’ learning and staff at every level speak with one voice about our ambition for all our pupils and they all fully understand the part they play in addressing educational disadvantage.
The support of our children and families at Samares is universal and unconditional.
With significant levels of disadvantage across the school and high levels of vulnerability our School Development Priorities closely align with our Jersey Premium Strategy.
Our strategy outlines our intent to:
Adopt a whole school approach in which all staff take responsibility for disadvantaged pupils’ outcomes and raise expectations of what they can achieve through high quality teaching and provision
Create a language rich environment with oracy embedded across the curriculum
Develop a high quality curriculum that inspires, engages and enriches children's lives
Develop children’s mental health, well-being, behaviour and personal development
Please read our Jersey Premium Strategy (attached) and contact our Jersey Premium Lead, Mr Lumley, if you have any questions or want to find out more.
To find out more about Jersey Premium and for all application forms and fact sheets, please follow this link: