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We use educational research to help form our decisions at Samares School – for our approach to setting homework we have looked at the evidence base for homework from the Education Endowment Foundation which shows homework can impact pupil progress positively by 3-5 months -  Homework | EEF.

In consultation with teachers and our Parent Discussion Group, we use the following structure for homework across the school: 

Homework will be given to children on a Monday and should be returned the following Monday.

Homework will be a revision of taught content in school suited to the child’s ability.

Class Charts points will be given for homework handed in on time.

Reading – parents are encouraged to read with their child regularly. Books can be exchanged at school when required. Question prompt bookmarks will be given to support parents with talking to their child about their reading.

Spelling Shed spelling scheme will be implemented across the school to ensure statutory national curriculum words are covered and progression is mapped across the school. This will also save teacher workload and making of resources. The words will be taught in class each week and the activity sheet gives further opportunity to practice at home.

Maths fluency is practice of mental maths skills taught in school. A template will be used to ensure expectations are consistent and to reduce teacher workload.

Maths fluency is about children having rapid recall of arithmetic skills that enable them to be accurate in more complex calculations. Fluency questions may appear ‘easy’, but children need to be able to recall these straight away, ideally without using fingers or other strategies!